PragerUTM has published hundreds of 5-minute videos about a range of political and cultural topics. Here is a repository of thoughtful, non-polemical critiques of individual videos, contributed by a variety of citizens.

Stop by here whenever you watch a PragerU video!
PragerU video: Should We Be Colorblind?
Race Relations
PragerU video: ESG: Woke to Broke
PragerU video: What Is Big Green?
Environmental Science
PragerU video: Why I Love America
Political Science
PragerU video: What's the Deal with the Green New Deal?
Environmental Science
PragerU video: Who Are the Most Powerful People in America?
Political Science
PragerU video: Why You Should Be a Nationalist
Political Science
PragerU video: How the Government Made You Fat
Political Science
PragerU video: Who Is Karl Marx?
PragerU video: Is Denmark Socialist?
Political Science
PragerU video: Who Needs Feminism?
Political Science
PragerU video: Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree?
Environmental Science
PragerU video: A Nation of Immigrants
Political Science
PragerU video: What Was the Cold War?
PragerU video: What Was the Enlightenment?
PragerU video: How Big Should Government Be? Left vs. Right #1
Political Science
PragerU video: The Dark Art of Framing
Political Science
PragerU video: Evolution: Bacteria to Beethoven
PragerU video: Goodbye, America
Political Science
PragerU video: Climate Change: What's So Alarming?
Environmental Science
PragerU video: The Charlottesville Lie
Political Science
PragerU video: Left or Liberal?
Political Science