(public) | I wish more people would embrace the fact that, while govern

(Government and ideology)   I wish more people would embrace the fact that, while governance can be messy, it is necessary, even with all its blemishes. For those on the right, recognize that it serves a unique function in society and isn’t inherently evil, from protecting against the tragedy of the commons to fostering an environment in which capitalism can thrive. For those on the left, recognize that it can’t right all wrongs, there are limits to its scope and it has a tendency toward inefficiency that’s inherent in its makeup which we need to consider whenever extending its reach.

One comment on “(public) | I wish more people would embrace the fact that, while govern

  1. I would love to find a way to moderate ideological rigidity on both sides.

    To those on the far right, I think showing them concretely all the essential things government does might help.

    To those on the far left, offhand it seems trickier. You can wave the failure of the Soviet Union (and now, Venezuela) in their faces, but the rejoinder of “they just did it wrong” is too easy. The “crowding out” of private enterprise is a possible economic argument. Perhaps the strongest argument, though, may be that government social programs often are not as effective as their designers hope.

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