(public) | Homo Sapiens became the dominate human species 70,000 years

(Civilization)   Homo Sapiens became the dominant human species 70,000 years ago. Due to technologies and global integration advancing faster than social theories, economic theories and societies can adapt, our grand children will witness (but not control) within the next 200 years

(public) | The information age has created a glut of perspectives that

(Government and society)   The information age has created a glut of perspectives that proves almost nothing is black & white. Discerning where one truly falls on the political spectrum can sometimes require so extreme a self-analysis as to render such an

(public) | (Climate change) The window of opportunity to do anything s

(Climate change) The window of opportunity to do anything significant to head off climate change is closing quickly. Rather than embrace the momentum on this issue created by international agreements and improved renewable energy technologies, we are now sliding backward