(Moral foundations) Voters need to learn our history as a Christian nation, and that our country’s values are being chipped away. The left is trying to change the definition of morality, in contradiction to the laws of God.
(Moral foundations) Voters need to learn our history as a Christian nation, and that our country’s values are being chipped away. The left is trying to change the definition of morality, in contradiction to the laws of God.
(Political parties) I think it is important for voters to understand that opinions about issues have changed historically from party to party. At certain times in history, voters who think more conservatively on financial issues have voted with a specific party.…
(Moral foundations) I’d like the public to understand the foundations of morality as explicated by Jonathan Haidt, and how opposing sides of the debate derive from foundations that differ. Even though I disagree with the religious right, learning that their views…